TickleJar is a collection of jokes, facts, quotes, and tidbits on a mission to make you smile. Whether it's a belly laugh or a wide-eyed wonder of learning something new, we want to brighten your day.
TickleJar is safe for work*.
There is no adult language in our content. There are adult concepts, like sex, drugs, and rock & roll, but there is no explicit detail. There are no adult photos. No sound. And very little maturity overall.
We like to think of TickleJar as if it were rated PG-13. So kids, it's probably ok for you too. But ask your parents. Ask whichever usually says, "yes". You know the one.
But we hope to be equal-opportunity offenders. Jokes have punchlines, and sometimes the thing that defines you will be part of a punchline. We intend to laugh with you, not at you (usually), and we laugh at ourselves most of all. If there is anything you find particularly offensive, please let us know.
TickleJar started life as an experiment using new generative AI tools to assist with images, code, and content. As the project matured, we made an effort to explore not only how to use these tools, but how to use them ethically. That's an ongoing experiment.
However, our approach includes the following considerations:
It should be noted that while the word "professional" is used above, that simply means that the individuals have been paid for their work in the past. We make no claim as to anyone's current state of skill, employability, personality, or personal hygiene.
*TickleJar is not recommended for employees actively performing surgery, driving a motor vehicle, being a Pope, conducting therapy, mining, working with power tools (especially chain saws, Kevin), chasing armed robbery suspects on foot through urban environments, scuba diving, at bat in a Major League Baseball game, in biosafety level 4 conditions, or other similar circumstances. Please use your own judgement and consult your supervisor for necessary precautions.